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       Our Dogs (And Other Friendly Pets)

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Leah Jan (Retired), Leah was the first Mama Dog of The Broughan Family Labradors, She is the Mother of Bailey Rose.

Bella-Blue Bell. (In Loving Memory) Bella Was our second Lovely Rescue Doberman Lady, She was a Blue Doberman, Blue Dobermans often have a genetic skin condition that makes them have little to no hair, that is why she could be seen wearing a Jacket and hat in the winter time, We welcomed her into our home in 20010 and cared for her all the way to her passing in 2012.

Reddin (In Loving Memory) Reddin was our first recuse Doberman, we got Reddin in 2008 and cared for him until his passing in 2010, due to a pre existing heart condition.

Broughan Family Labradors.

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